Major Adaptations - Disabled Facilities Grants & Disabled Persons Relocation Assistance.
Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) are used to provide major home adaptations for disabled people for the purpose of providing access into and around the home and access to, or the provision of, basic amenities such as bathing and toileting.
“Major Adaptations” are defined as the provision of heavy-duty equipment (e.g. vertical lifts and stairlifts) and works requiring structural alterations and/or the provision of essential facilities such as bathroom adaptations. “Major Adaptations” generally cost over £1,000.
The mandatory DFG service is delivered in accordance with the provisions of the Housing Grants, Construction & Regeneration Act 1996 (as amended) and DFGs are given the highest priority to enable disabled persons to continue to live at home in safety and comfort.
What types of works can be undertaken?
DFGs are mostly to do with enabling a disabled occupant to gain access to and use their home more easily. The following types of works are eligible for assistance:
facilitating access to and from the dwelling to the street outside;
facilitating access to a family living room;
facilitating access to a bedroom or providing a new bedroom accessible by the disabled person;
facilitating access to bathing and toilet facilities suitable for use by the disabled person, adapting existing facilities for that person or providing suitable facilities;
providing facilities for the preparation and cooking of food where appropriate;
works to enable a disabled person to have full use of heating, lighting and power controls e.g. relocation of power points and switches, adapting controls;
adapting or improving a heating system suitable for use by the disabled person;
works to enable a disabled person better access around the dwelling to care for a dependant relative and
works to make a dwelling safe for a disabled person, such as minimising the risk of danger from violent or boisterous behaviour or improvements to compensate for sensory impairment;
facilitating access to and from a garden by a disabled occupant;
making access to a garden safe for a disabled occupant.
All works must be supported by a report from the Community Occupational Therapist (Social Services) to confirm that they are necessary and suitable for the disabled person. The role of the Public Protection Department is to determine whether the proposed work is “reasonable and practicable” and as part of this the age and condition of the property is also taken into account. Public Protection will assist clients with the application process and with the delivery of the adaptation works through to completion.
Wherever possible, the Council will seek to provide adaptations within the structure of the dwelling. Extensions will only be considered where property size, internal arrangement, circulation and cost effectiveness mean that it is the best course of action.
To apply for a visit from an Occupational Therapist; please contact the Duty Referral Team via the following methods:
Telephone: (01495) 315700: or
Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council,
The General Offices,
Steelworks Road,
Ebbw Vale
NP23 6DN
Minor Adaptations - Safety at Home/Minor Adaptions Scheme (delivered in partnership with Blaenau Gwent & Caerphilly Care & Repair Agency)
This scheme is specifically targeted towards the continuing welfare and independence of disabled persons in Blaenau Gwent. Owner-Occupiers and private tenants who are assessed as disabled by Occupational Therapy (Social Services) and in need of minor adaptations works including internal and external handrails, grab rails, key safes, ramps to aid access to reduce the risk of falls and slips, installation of electrical sockets for community alarm systems, small works to enable easier access
The maximum amount of assistance is £1,000. Where the level of works required exceeds £1,000 the Care & Repair Agency will endeavour to seek alternative sources of funding (including the use of other grants or benevolent funding) for the remainder of the works. In all circumstances where the works are likely to exceed the maximum limit, works will not commence until all of the funds have been secured by the Agency. Where the excess funding cannot be secured, clients may be advised to apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant.
Minor Adaptions in Housing Association properties are delivered directly by the landlord.
Further information is available from…..
Blaenau Gwent and Caerphilly Care & Repair
Blaenau Gwent & Caerphilly Care & Repair
Unit 1A-1B Foxes Lane
Oakdale Business Park
NP12 4AB
Telephone: (01495) 321091
Social Services - Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council
Social Services Directorate
Anvil Court
Church Street
NP13 1DB
Telephone: (01495) 315700
Email (General Enquiries):