The Council uses a banding scheme to prioritise applications.

All housing and transfer applications received for rented accommodation will be assessed and placed in one of the bands, those in the highest band gain the highest priority. For further details please refer to Allocations Policy

Emergency Band

To be in Emergency Band, at least one of these must apply:

  • You have lost your existing home due to fire, flood or disaster

  • You require accommodation as a result of leaving the Armed Forces and the loss of military accommodation and Bereaved spouses or civil partners of those serving in the regular forces

  • You are currently occupying a property that is in such poor condition as to impose extreme or imminent risk to the health and safety of its occupants

  • You are currently occupying a property where there is a statutory requirement due to prohibition order / demolition order / compulsory purchase

  • You are currently under occupying social housing by two or more bedrooms and need to transfer to a smaller property

  • You have an extremely urgent and immediate need to move for medical reasons or due to a disability, which is being exacerbated by your current housing situation

  • You will be releasing an adapted property by moving and there is a suitable applicant on the waiting list for the adapted property

  • You need to move on urgent welfare grounds

Gold Band

To be in Gold Band, at least one of these must apply:

  • You are homeless and the law says we must help you

  • You are occupying accommodation which is short by two or more bedrooms suitable to your needs

  • Your housing is unsuitable for medical reasons or due to a disability

  • Your housing has been assessed as being in such poor condition as to impose significant risk to the health and safety of its occupants

  • Your current accommodation is in such condition that it contributes to causing serious ill health

  • You are giving or receiving essential support, which can only be delivered if you live in a specific locality within the area

  • You have permanent employment that cannot continue unless you live in a specific locality within the area and are otherwise adequately housed

  • You have been recommended by the Director of Social Services to foster or adopt children and your current accommodation is not large enough

  • You, your partner or children are forced to live apart because your current accommodation is unsuitable

Silver Band

To be in Silver Band, at least one of these must apply:

  • You are homeless or threatened with homelessness and the law says we must help you.

  • Your housing has been assessed as insanitary or unfit accommodation and you are living in unsatisfactory housing conditions that present some risk to the health and safety of the occupants

  • You are occupying accommodation which is short by one bedroom suitable to your needs

  • Your current accommodation is unsuitable and exacerbates the applicant’s or other household members’ health condition and more suitable alternative accommodation is required to improve the health condition

  • You are an existing social housing tenant who does not qualify for Emergency Band or Gold Band, who wishes to transfer and has no rent arrears and have been a tenant for 12 months

Bronze Band

  • All other applicants not dealt with in Emergency, Gold or Silver Band

  • Applicants awarded Reasonable Preference for a Silver Band category but have no local connection

  • You are a home owner and do not qualify for Emergency, Gold or Silver Band

  • You have the financial resources to meet your own needs


We will then look at people on the Common Housing Register who are in that band and we will offer the property to the person who has been waiting longest.

If housing is in a hard-to-let area, it may be offered to people in Bronze Band.


Blaenau Gwent Common Allocation Policy 2020


Blaenau Gwent Banding Summary